Connections Within the Mixedwood Plains
In general, the individual components of the Mixedwood plains ecozone- landforms, climate, soils, natural vegetation, wildlife and human economic activities- are connected to one another basically through different combinations and patterns of these very components. Land-use patterns usually very from one area to the next because of the diversity in climate, vegetation, and soils.
One example of his is how Podzol soils are generally found in the northern regions of the Mixedwood plains, where the climate is usually cooler. As a result, this soil is not suitable for agriculture and farming. Furthermore, this tough soil is instead more suitable for forestry and recreation. In contrast, however, Luvisol soils are generally found in the southern regions of this ecozone, where the climate is generally warmer. Consequently, this type of soil is usually good for growing agricultural crops like tobacco. This is an example of how climate, vegetation, soils, and human activities are all connected in the production of good agricultural crop, or in other cases, good areas for forestry.
Another example are the areas where certain species of animals are found, like say birds. Birds of prey like the Red-shoulder hawk and Screech owl are commonly found in rural areas, while Cardinals and Blue Jays are found in urban areas. The main reason for this is that predators like the Red-shoulder hawk do not like the “noise” of the city. In the same way, urban bird species see cities as a safe haven from their larger enemies. This is an example of connections between human activities and wildlife, and how certain wildlife species can live together in harmony with humans- while others cannot.
Our animals and vegetation are also deeply affected by the pollution we as humans create. Two examples of this are air and water pollution. Our factories that burn coal and other fossil fuels tend to release harmful chemicals into the air from their smokestacks. These chemicals could possible go on to affect our climate, for example, by acid rain. This acid rain could then go on to rain down on our vegetation, killing our crops. Another type of pollution is water pollution. As we continue to litter our Great Lakes, the fish species living in our lakes begin to get poisoned and may die. In addition, are drinking water is also polluted and people drinking this unsafe water may begin to get sick. Furthermore, the fishing industry will begin to lose money because they would be losing their main source for fish in the Great Lakes. As you can see, our actions as humans are connected with the all life around us, like our vegetation and animals, and all our actions have consequences.
A Joshua Liu and Timothy Yip Production 2003-2004